■ News and Upcoming Events

June 1: Abstract submission deadline
July 15: Notification of acceptance
September 15: Early registration deadline
November 15: Late registration deadline
December 5-7: Conference
  • Abstracts for empirical papers (with results) should have a maximum of 4,500 characters. Abstract for posters (research at an earlier stage) should have a maximum of 3,500 characters.
  • We are still preparing the official website, expecting to have it running by April. It will contain forms to submit your works.
  • Please send this information to colleagues that might be interested in visiting Chile and attending ICLTC2022.
Dear colleague,
The 14th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference (ICLTC2022) (postponed from Chile 2020), ideally in person, will take place from 5 to 7 December 2022, in Santiago, Chile.
ICLTA Executive Committee
We are now accepting abstract submissions for the upcoming 13th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference. The deadline for submission is April 15, 2021. More information regarding submission guidelines is available here: https://www.icltc2021.com/submission. Registration is also available through this link: https://events.eply.com/ICLTC2021.
If you have any questions about the submission process please send your inquiries to Heather at: hlab@queensu.ca. Please share this call broadly as we hope to have scholars and researchers across many disciplines.
ICLTC Steering Committee
Dear colleagues,
Chile is being hit hard with the virus and December looks to soon for health and economic recovery. For the rest of the world, air travel in December may not be certain, either.
The Chilean committee is planning to cancel the International Cognitive Load Theory Conference, which was scheduled for December 2020, in Chile.
ICLTA Executive Committee
Dear colleague,
The Chilean local committee have been preparing the website with all the important information and forms for the conference. Since the site is not ready yet, we think is important that you consider the following:
- The conference will be held in Santiago, Chile, on December 1st-3rd 2020.
- The theme of the conference is broad enough: "Applications and Challenges in Educational Settings.
- The abstract submission deadline will be on the 1st of June, so you can plan your writing from now.
- The notification of acceptance will be on the 15th of July.
- The maximum length of the abstracts is 4,500 characters for papers and 3,500 characters for posters.
ICLTA Executive Committee
The 12th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference (ICLTC2019) will be organized on June 17-19, 2019, by the School of Health Professions Education, Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
By popular request, the deadline for sending in proposals for paper and poster presentations has been postponed until March 10, 2019. For registration and further details, see www.icltc2019.org
All applicants will be informed about acceptance of their proposal before March 31.
The main theme of this year’s conference is Cognitive Load Theory in Health Professions Education. Although we will accept papers dealing with Cognitive Load Theory in all different learning domains, keynotes and special sessions will focus on applications in health professions education.
We look forward to welcoming you in Maastricht!
ICLTC2018 Organising Committee
The 12th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference (ICLTC2019) will be held on the 17th, 18th and 19th of June 2019 in Maastricht, the Netherlands. More details about conference information will be provided soon. (https://www.icltc2019.org/)
Considering some authors’ suggestions, we are glad to inform you that ICLTC2018 abstract submission deadline has been extended to 20th May, 2018 (inclusive).

You can submit your abstracts on-line through https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icltc2018

Notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstracts submitted will be sent to you via e-mail by 25th June, 2018.

ICLTC2018 (11th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference) will be held in Beijing (China) on the 4th, 5th, and 6th of September 2018.The attendance of over 100 delegates from different countries is expected. There will be 2 presentation formats: conventional paper presentation or poster presentation.

For more information, please check http://icltc2018.bnu.edu.cn. Please do not hesitate to contact us at icltc2018@bnu.edu.cn if you have any further inquiries.

We look forward to seeing you in Beijing, a city with beautiful scenery, historical places, modern life, and delicious food.

ICLTC2018 Organising Committee
Dear colleague,

We would like to provide you a kind reminder that the abstract submission deadline for ICLTC2018 will be on next Sunday 6th May, 2018.
We cordially invite you to submit abstract for presentation at the 11th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference (ICLTC 2018) to be held Tuesday, 4th September to Thursday, 6th September in Beijing, China. All accepted abstracts and paper will be included in the 11th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference Proceeding. Authors of suitable works will be invited to develop full manuscripts for publication in Springer's Series Book of Lecture Notes in Educational Technology or the International Journal of Smart Learning Environment.

This year, the Smart Learning Institute, as the organiser of ICLTC2018 and an institute which emphasises research associated with technology-supported learning environments, is taking the lead in raising awareness of the impact of cognitive load theory in technology-supported learning environments. While we expect the majority of papers will not be technology related, we would like to encourage the presentation of work considering Cognitive Load Theory in technology-supported, smart learning environments.
There will be 2 presentation formats: conventional paper presentation or poster presentation.

Important information:

  • Abstracts should only be submitted online through https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icltc2018.
  • The deadline for abstract submission is 6th May, 2018.
  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
  • Abstracts should be based on any of the topic areas related to Cognitive Load Theory.
  • Abstracts should have a minimum number of 900 characters and may not be longer than 3500 characters including spaces.
  • Authors should indicate their presentation preference: conventional paper presentation or poster. The Program Committee reserves the right to decide on the final allocation and presentation format.
  • After registering your abstract, your will receive a confirmation e-mail. Please contact us if you do not receive a confirmation e-mail.
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstracts submitted will be sent to you via e-mail by 25th June, 2018.

For more information, please check http://icltc2018.bnu.edu.cn. Please do not hesitate to contact us at icltc2018@bnu.edu.cn if you have any further inquiries.

We look forward to seeing you in Beijing, a city with beautiful scenery, historical places, modern life, and delicious food.

ICLTC2018 Organising Committee
The 11th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference (ICLTC2018) will be held on the 4th, 5th and 6th of September 2018 in Beijing, China. More details about conference information will be provided soon.

The 9th Cognitive Load Theory Conference (ICLTC2016) will be held in Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany, on the 22th, 23th, and 24th of June, 2016. More details about conference information will be provided soon.

A preliminary draft of the 2015 CLT conference is now available on the ICLTA web site, along with registration details. Remember to register early!

The Educational Psychology group at the Institute of Psychology at Erasmus University

Rotterdam in the Netherlands seeks applicants the position of Associate Professor of Educational Psychology (1.0 fte). The position is preferably to be filled from August 1st 2015 or otherwise by negotiation. Please download details file of the job.

I would like to share with you my impressions from a recent visit to the new Early Start facility that Paul Chandler has organised at Wollongong University. The new building is spectacular and the use to which it will be put unique in my experience of education facilities. It has, of course, the usual teaching and research rooms and equipment we expect in a university but in addition, it is set up to be open to the general public. Parents can come with their children to learn in a quasi-museum environment but one where educational research and teaching are central. They can take part in research and they can be taught using appropriate instructional procedures. The entire facility is designed to integrate with the external community. I am expecting great things to happen there in the next few years!

Paul would welcome visitors, either short- or long-term, so please consider coming. Anyone who is in this neck of the woods should make sure that Wollongong is part of their itinerary!

John Sweller

Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology
School of Education
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052
The 8th Cognitive Load Theory Conference Website Available Now !

The 8th Cognitive Load Theory Conference (ICLTC2015) will be held in Fort Collins, Colorado, US, on the 15th, 16th, and 17th of June, 2015. More details concerning the conference can be found on the conference website?https://sites.google.com/site/icltc2015/

We look forward to seeing you in Fort Collins.

Save the Dates!

The dates for the 2015 CLT conference will be 15, 16, and 17 June, 2015. Dan Robinson of Colorado State University will be hosting the conference at Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

The conference hotel is the Best Western University Inn which currently is accepting bookings. They have saved rooms for us from 14-17 June. Details are below:

University Inn 914 S. College Avenue


Best Western University Inn & Staff looks forward to hosting this group next June.

Our small and charming hotel is ideally located to CSU. In addition to all standard hotel?amenities, we include breakfast and free wireless and hard-wired internet.

Following is confirmation of your group block:

DATES: JUNE 15, 16 AND 17, 2015


RATES:$129.00 plus tax, per room, per night (Breakfast and internet access included)

RESERVATIONS: Individuals should call the hotel directly at (970) 484-1984 or toll-free 888-484-2984, and identify themselves with the COGNITIVE LOAD THEORY CONFERENCE?in order to get the discounted group rate. The cut-off date is May 14, 2015.

For International: If you wish to email, please send request to Ellen@bwui.com

or Rebecca@bwui.com and we will personally handle your request.

Reservations made after that date cannot be guaranteed availability or the special rate.

Individuals are responsible for their own reservations and form of payment unless otherwise indicated.


Ellen C. Rotunno

Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts (150 – 300 words) of papers submitted should be sent to Dr Robinson (email: Dan.Robinson@colostate.edu) by 15 February, 2015. For empirical papers, analysed data must be available by the time of the conference. We expect to have decisions concerning acceptance emailed by 2 March.

For further enquiries concerning the conference, please contact Dr. Robinson at: Dan.Robinson@colostate.edu. We look forward to seeing you at ICLTC 2015.

The 8th Cognitive Load Theory Conference (ICLTC2015) will be held in Fort Collins, Colorado, US, on the 15th, 16th, and 17th of June, 2015. More details about conference information will be provided soon.

A Cognitive Load Theory workshop organised by the Graduate Institute of Learning and Instruction, National Central University, Taiwan will be held in Taipei (Taiwan), on the 23rd of June, 2014.

The purpose of this workshop is to spread Cognitive Load Theory principles and effects to school teachers, educators in educational industry, curriculum designers, etc., assisting and guiding the practical implications of the Cognitive Load Theory in the teaching and the development of educational productions.

Over 80 researchers, educators, school principals and teachers are expected. Twelve lecturers will share their research outcomes in the workshop with the focus of their educational implications. The Cognitive Load Theory workshop will try to bring the theory into practice, achieving the genuine beneficial effects of Cognitive Load Theory in teaching and learning.

All teachers and educators who are interested in Cognitive Load Theory are welcome to attend this workshop (Contact Email: ltc@cc.ncu.edu.tw; eileenhsu2010@gmail.com). The organisers do hope you enjoy this workshop and leave with an appreciation of the depth and breadth of the new instructional procedures available to teachers and their students.

Call for PapersSpecial Issue on

"Managing Cognitive Load inTechnology-Based Learning Environments"

Guest Editors

Prof. Dr. Tzu-Chien Liu,

Prof. Dr. Fred Paas,

Prof. Dr. Slava Kalyuga

Technology-based learning environments offer a wide range of educational opportunities that traditional face-to-face interaction cannot achieve, such as enabling time and place independence of information delivery. However, as with all technology applications, the use of technology in itself may pose additional processing demands on learners' cognitive resources, which may either positively or negatively affect the construction of new knowledge. Mixed findings of empirical research into technology-based learning support this concern and make clear that analyses of associated cognitive processes and structures are important. The cognitive load imposed on learners in technology-based environments is the main focus of this special issue.

Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) is a psychological learning theory established to coordinate instructional design and learning procedures with human cognitive architecture (Sweller, Van Merrienboer, & Paas, 1998; Sweller, Ayres, & Kalyuga, 2011). This cognitive architecture consists of a working memory with a very limited capacity when dealing with novel, unorganized information, as well as an effectively unlimited long-term memory storing cognitive schemas that vary in their degree of complexity and automation. Over the past decades, CLT has progressed and advanced rapidly in various areas, such as science and technology (Chandler & Sweller, 1991, 1996; Mayer, Heiser, & Lonn, 2001; Sweller, Chandler, Tierney, & Cooper, 1990), mathematics (Mousavi, Low, & Sweller, 1995; Paas & Van Merrienboer, 1994) and language (Diao & Sweller, 2007; Gao, Low, Jin, & Sweller, 2013). Several special issues have been edited to guide the new directions for CLT development and also document the contributions of CLT to instructional design optimization across different disciplines, for example, the special issue for “Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D)” in 2005, the special issue for “Learning and Instruction” in 2009, and the special issues for “Educational Psychology Review” in 2007 and 2010. Although a number of studies have considered the cognitive load factors during learning in technology-based environments (Liu, Lin, Tsai, & Paas, 2012; Kalyuga, 2012), there is no special issue edited especially for discussing the innovative technology-supported learning from the perspective of CLT.

The proposed special issue will offer insights into the current and future trends and research directions in managing cognitive load in technology based learning. As a starting point, submitted contributions may reflect one of the following research tracks, yet work that may introduce other relevant research topics is also invited:

  • Cognitive load aspects of technology used in the educational contexts: This track relates to the exploration and evaluation of cognitive load resulted from learning in technology-based environments. It not only refers to the effective cognitive load induced by, but also to the unnecessary cognitive load imposed when using inappropriate technology, or using technology in an inappropriate way. Special interest is posed in ongoing projects investigating the appropriateness of using technologies in education from the perspective of Cognitive Load Theory.
  • Management of cognitive load for effective use of technology in the educational contexts: This track may include projects regarding the strategies for managing cognitive load in using technology with the aim of promoting effective cognitive load and reducing extraneous cognitive load. Submitted contributions may provide the basis for new theoretical approaches to technology-based learning environment design in specific area of e-learning, such as computer-based learning environments, simulation-based learning environments, mobile device assisted learning environments, virtual classroom learning environments, etc.
  • New trends and research directions on technology based learning environment associated with Cognitive Load Theory: Although cognitive factors have usually been neglected during the rapid development of technology designed for education, cognitive load researchers have identified these factors as significant aspects influencing the instructional effectiveness of technology. Research studies about cognitive load approaches in technology-based environments are expected to be collected in this special issue for directing the researchers and educators to justify the effectiveness of new technological developments and applications in education from a cognitive perspective. The special issue will focus especially on the following themes: mobile learning, multimedia based learning, simulation based learning, game based learning, virtual reality based learning, technology enhanced language learning, and the other areas relevant to technology enhanced learning.

Important dates

Submissions of initial papers due:?15 September 2014

Decisions based on the double blind review process: 1 December 2014

Revised manuscripts due: 1 March 2015

Feedback on revised manuscripts: 1 April 2015

Final manuscripts due by the authors: 15 May 2015

Final manuscripts sent to the publishers: 15 June 2015

Special Issue Publication: October 2015

Special Issue Guest Editors

Prof. Dr. Tzu-Chien LiuGraduate Institute of Learning and InstructionNational Central University, Taiwan

mail: ltc@cc.ncu.edu.tw


Prof. Dr. Fred PaasInstitute of PsychologyErasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

mail: paas@fsw.eur.nl

URL: http://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=S0no7b4AAAAJ&hl=nl

Prof. Dr. Slava KalyugaSchool of EducationUniversity of New South Wales, Australia

mail: s.kalyuga@unsw.edu.au

URL: https://education.arts.unsw.edu.au/about-us/people/slava-kalyuga/

Submission guidelines

Interested authors are invited to submit full manuscripts by 15 September 2014 using the EasyChair system at:https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=etssimcl2015

Manuscripts should contain no more than 7000 words, and should follow the author guidelines available at the ETS website: http://www.ifets.info/rev.php?pub=true

Manuscripts should be original, unpublished, and not being considered for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to Journal of Educational Technology & Society or during the review process.


The 7th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference (ICLTC) that will be held in Taipei (Taiwan), on the 24th, 25th and 26th of June, 2014.

Following the tradition of Cognitive Load Theory Annual Conference, the purpose of the 7th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference is to bring together international researchers, scholars, educators, and research students interested in Cognitive Load Theory. Over 100 researchers, scholars, educators and research students from many different countries are expected. As in previous years, ICLTC will provide a venue encouraging early-stage researchers and students as well as experienced researchers to present and share their research outcomes.

The local organisers expect the conference to be a memorable, highly educational, and “not-to-be-missed” event, and also wish every participant could have a beautiful time in Taiwan.